How to tie a hook to a line
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When fighting a big fish
Belt on a gimballed rod bucket when fighting big fish and hang on!
If you have been fishing for mackerel and the fish is heading for the horizon
- let it run if the ratchet is singing sweetly, because even 35kg mackerel will only make 2-3 long runs and a few shorter ones. You don’t want to gaff a “green” fish. Hold the rod high and keep a good bend in it at all times.
Slack line enables the hook to fall out. Take it steady and you should land it.
- break it off if the ratchet is screaming, the drag smoking and most of your line has disappeared. You have hooked a marlin, so don’t waste good fishing time!
- break it off if the ratchet is steadily ticking over and the fish doesn’t know it is hooked. You have hooked a big tiger shark and it will destroy your reel!
- immediately give the rod to someone else if a big turtle breaks the surface and your line is pointing towards it!
Break the line, not the rod. Take the bend out by pointing the rod down the line, then hold on to the spool. With any luck, the line will break at the knot.